Site notes:
This site was constructed with:
- code sharing between this page, and fallback for older browsers here
- html (ejs)
- css (scss)
- javascript modules
- written in es6, compiles to es4-6
- Node JS
- as a static site generating compiler
- compiles
EJS to html
app.js (uses includes), compiles to es6 and es5 (using webpack)
oldBrowser.js (uses includes), compiles to es4 (using browserify
style.scss using node-sass (c++ module, much faster than the java compiler)
as a live build server
compiles any of the above, when a relevant file changes
serves to web site (over local IP or localhost is an option)
that's the selector engine from jQuery, but JUST that bit.
variables and for loops are handy.
mixins are ok...
- most of these animations are CSS3
- unless you're on the fallback page, in which case; it's all javascript
just for automatic vendor prefixing
Build Process:
This gif shows my build script
- please note the nifty Cylon i've made, which runs in the terminal, whhile tasks are completing or the program is waiting
- building HTML from EJS
- compiling commonJS ES6 javascript (requires) to:
- ES6
- ES5
- ES4 (for a seperare fallback page)
shares EJS, SCSS, and JS with the main app
- compiling SCSS to CSS
- using node-sass
- written in C++, way faster than the ruby lib
creates an express server for the newsly created "dev" folder
- CSS and JS are both source mapped
creates an express server for the newsly created "prod" folder
- source maps cleaned
- files minified
launches a web page with links to the relevant pages
watches files for changes, recompiling and/or copying files as needed
Free Stuff:
Desktop Backgrounds:
Just 1px wide slice of a sunset i liked, stretche
...which can also be used to make things run in sequnce, by setting the size aregument to 1
The "size" argument sets how many functions are allowed to run simultaniously
Node Packages:
An old strategy for executing a function after a serious of asynchronous functions run to completion.
...which can also be used to make things run in sequnce, by setting the size aregument to 1
The "size" argument sets how many functions are allowed to run simultaniously
Git Loop
This is a simple interactive CLI, which commits every 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes, with the date and time as the commit'
s message.
Mass Sass
A simple interactive CLI, for compiling all SCSS files in a given folder, via node-sass (way faster than the original ruby build)
Busy Cylon
A nifty little cylon, to run in the terminal; to let you know that your process is still working, and not frozen. Basically, an alternative to the 3 dots...